Stack your hay properly … never store hay directly on the floor or the ground. Doing this restricts air from circulating beneath the hay. Moisture will seep up from the damp ground and ruin the entire bale. By using pallets, you allow ventilation beneath the hay and prevent excess moisture. … if you don’t have access to pallets … hay should be stored on a bed of gravel or by lifting them above the ground via tires or poles. Keep it covered … roof barn etc … if you are unable to cover them, tarp them … provide enough room between bales to allow for adequate air flow for drying to continue
It’s been a longstanding tradition to store hay in the hayloft above horse barns. The truth is, however, haylofts are a dangerous practice. Hay is highly flammable, and if a bale of hay molds internally, it can build up enough heat to self combust. When that happens, fire will spread from the hayloft to the rest of the barn.
It’s far safer to store your hay in a separate building away from your barn.